Client UI field- overview for Android/iOS and BxWebManager

An overview of valid fields and parameters for configuring the Client UI in BxAdmin for BxMobile (Android/iOS) and BxWebManager

Gyldige bilder i Android/iOS

Delivery Delivery
GoodsreceiptBatch Goods receipt module,
Batch/Serial numbers
GoodsreceiptInfo Goods receipt, Info
Goodsreceipt Goods receipt, Order lines
GoodsreceiptMenu Goods receipt, Order overview
Label Print screen accessed via the "Label" button
OrderBatch Sales order module,
Batch/Serial numbers
OrderInfo Sales order, Header info
OrderLineInfo Sales order, Line info
Salesorder Sales order
PickingBatch Picking module,
Batch/Serial numbers
PickingInfo Picking, Info
PickingList Picking, Order lines
PickingMenu Picking, Order overview
PickingShipment Picking, Shipment options/details
(shipping integration)
Productlookup Products module
StockCount Stock count
StockCountLineInfo Stock count, Line info (e.g., "More")
LabelsInfo Labels module, Line info
Label Print dialogue for selecting printer, template and quantity;
includes "Print" button
ProductList Product list displayed during searches in the Products module. This can also be customized for other modules using prefixes, e.g., Label_ProductList or SalesOrder_ProductList


Valid screens in BxWebManager

Note: Use lower case for module names in the "Screen" column in BxAdmin. Otherwise, the field will not appear in BxWebManager.

labellist List of products in Labels
labelprintdialog Print dialogue accessed via "Print selection" in Labels
pickingmonitor Picking monitor/Order overview
receivingmonitor Receiving monitor/Order overview
stockoverview Product overview
locationslabellist Overview of locations
assetsmanagerlist Asset manager list (columns)
webshopbasket Webshop - Shopping cart
webshopproducts Webshop - Product list
orderhistory Webshop - Order history
checkout Webshop - Checkout


Components for Android/iOS and BxWebManager

label Displays text
entry Text box for entering numbers, letters, or other characters
numericentry Accepts only numbers in the text box
(BxMobile only; use entry for BxWebManager)
datepicker Date picker
combobox Dropdown menu with predefined values
lookupcombobox Dropdown menu that filters values
(e.g., SourceObject = query.value, where query is sthe SQL query, and value is the alias to the filter)
column Column, e.g., in the PickingMenu screen (Picking order overview)
numericcolumn Like column, but for numbers
datecolumn For date filtering in labellist and stockoverview in BxWebManager
numbercolumn For number filtering in labellist and stockoverview in BxWebManager
barcodelabel Displays QR/Barcode on the BxMobile display

Components specific to BxWebManager

For more information on how to create fields in BxWebManager, click here