An overview of valid fields and parameters for configuring the Client UI in BxAdmin for BxMobile (Android/iOS) and BxWebManager
Gyldige bilder i Android/iOS
CustomerPage | |
Delivery | Delivery |
GoodsreceiptBatch | Goods receipt module, Batch/Serial numbers |
GoodsreceiptInfo | Goods receipt, Info |
Goodsreceipt | Goods receipt, Order lines |
GoodsreceiptMenu | Goods receipt, Order overview |
Label | Print screen accessed via the "Label" button |
OrderBatch | Sales order module, Batch/Serial numbers |
OrderInfo | Sales order, Header info |
OrderLineInfo | Sales order, Line info |
Salesorder | Sales order |
PickingBatch | Picking module, Batch/Serial numbers |
PickingInfo | Picking, Info |
PickingList | Picking, Order lines |
PickingMenu | Picking, Order overview |
PickingUnit | |
PickingShipment | Picking, Shipment options/details (shipping integration) |
ProductBatch | |
Productlookup | Products module |
PurchaseOrderInfo | |
PurchaseOrderLineInfo | |
PurchaseOrder | |
StockTransferBatch | |
StockTransfer | |
StockCount | Stock count |
StockCountLineInfo | Stock count, Line info (e.g., "More") |
LabelsInfo | Labels module, Line info |
Label | Print dialogue for selecting printer, template and quantity; includes "Print" button |
ProductList | Product list displayed during searches in the Products module. This can also be customized for other modules using prefixes, e.g., Label_ProductList or SalesOrder_ProductList |
Valid screens in BxWebManager
Note: Use lower case for module names in the "Screen" column in BxAdmin. Otherwise, the field will not appear in BxWebManager.
labellist | List of products in Labels |
labelprintdialog | Print dialogue accessed via "Print selection" in Labels |
pickingmonitor | Picking monitor/Order overview |
receivingmonitor | Receiving monitor/Order overview |
stockoverview | Product overview |
locationslabellist | Overview of locations |
assetsmanagerlist | Asset manager list (columns) |
webshopbasket | Webshop - Shopping cart |
webshopproducts | Webshop - Product list |
orderhistory | Webshop - Order history |
checkout | Webshop - Checkout |
Components for Android/iOS and BxWebManager
label | Displays text |
entry | Text box for entering numbers, letters, or other characters |
numericentry | Accepts only numbers in the text box (BxMobile only; use entry for BxWebManager) |
datepicker | Date picker |
combobox | Dropdown menu with predefined values |
lookupcombobox | Dropdown menu that filters values (e.g., SourceObject = query.value , where query is sthe SQL query, and value is the alias to the filter) |
column | Column, e.g., in the PickingMenu screen (Picking order overview) |
numericcolumn | Like column , but for numbers |
datecolumn | For date filtering in labellist and stockoverview in BxWebManager |
numbercolumn | For number filtering in labellist and stockoverview in BxWebManager |
barcodelabel | Displays QR/Barcode on the BxMobile display |
Components specific to BxWebManager
For more information on how to create fields in BxWebManager, click here