This is an explanation of what the different columns in Client UI in BxAdmin are used for
In BxAdmin under Client UI, you can create additional fields for the different windows/modules in BxWebManager and BxMobile.
There are three main tabs, with additional sub tabs. Configuration object, Data connection and Visuals. Here, we will explain what the different components mean and what they do. You can find a user manual on how to create these fields here: Komponent manualer
You can also find information about Client UI fields and components here: Client UI felt-oversikt
Currently, this overview contains information on the most common values. More information about other fields will be added at a later time.
Configuration object
Profile | Specifies which profile the setup is linked to. If left blank, it applies to all profiles. |
Screen | Indicates which screenshot within BxMobile or BxWebManager the setup apllies for. Refer to the list of valid screens here: Client UI felt-oversikt |
Name |
The name of the setup. This can be anything as long as it is descriptive. For example "Stock Quantity". |
Enabled | Toggles the module on or off. |
Data connection
Source Object | Defines the SQL query from which data is retrieved, if the data is to come from a custom query. |
Source Field | Determines what type of data is retrieved: item line, order line or order header. For item or order lines, you typically prefix with "lines". |
Filter Source | N/A |
Parent Name | N/A |
Static | If the value is always going to be static, you can skip Source Field and fill in this field with this value instead. |
Read Only | N/A |
Data Type | Defines the data type, such as integer , string , double , datetime . |
Value | Can be used to specify default values. For example: now or now+1 to automatically select today or tomorrow when used with a date picker component. |
Required | N/A |
Visible | Typically enabled, similar to Enabled, to make the field visible on the terminal. |
X-Pos |
Specifies the relative X-position in the image. In BxMobile, values above 3 are normally not allowed, as it may cause excessive whitespace on the right. 1 = left, 2 = center, 3 = right. In BxWebManager, higher values can be used based on the desired column placement. |
Y-Pos | Specifies the line position in the image. Count the existing lines in the image and add 1 if you want the field on the last line. This does often require some trial and error. |
Width | Specifies the relative width of the image. Similar to X-pos, you can choose between 1, 2 or 3 for terminals. For columns, calculate relative width as 100 and choose an appropriate size. |
Height | Usually set to 1, and is not commonly used. |
Component Type | Specifies the component type, e.g., info field, input field, column, etc. Refer to the Client UI felt-oversikt for valid components. |
Label | The name of the field visible in BxMobile or BxWebManager. In BxMobile, use shortened but descriptive names to avoid line breaks or excessive widths. |
DataFormat | Defines the desired formatting in the field. Commonly used for date formatting in SQL queries. For example, dd.MM.yy can be used to display dates in the standard Norwegian format. |