BxLogistics installation part 1 - BxEngine

This is the beginning of the installation process for BxLogistics/BxSales/BxLabels. Part 1 consists of installing BxEngine.

NOTE! Are you using a cloud-based ERP system such as VismaNet, Business Nxt, Business Central, Tripletex, etc.? If so, skip this article and go directly to Part 2. Installing BxEngine is only relevant for OnPrem systems like Visma Business, Visma Global, SAP Business One, Multicase, Uni Økonomi V3, etc.

Installation overview

The installation of BxLogistics, BxSales and BxLabels consists of several components:
  • BxEngine and BxSmartPrintPro service on the server - These are the main components of the Bx solution.
  • Integration setup in BxAdmin -  Configuration to connect with the ERP system
  • Connecting terminals via BxMobile and/or printers via BxSmartPrintPro

Installation Steps

  • Part 1 - BxEngine - Installing BxEngine (this article).
  • Part 2 - BxAdmin - Configuration in BxAdmin
  • Part 3 - BxMobile - Installing handheld terminals (can be done apart from Parts 1 and 2)

For migrating an existing BxLogistics/BxEngine installation, see the instructions here. (coming soon).

For installing an additional BxEngine service on the same server, see the instructions here.

BxEngine Installation Requirements

BxEngine must be installed on a Windows server or PC.

The database requires Microsoft SQL Server (SQL Express/Standard, etc.), and the BxEngine service requires .NET Framework 4.8.

Recommended System Requirements

  • OS: Minumum Windows Server 2016 / Windows 10.
  • SQL Server: Minimum SQL 2016 or newer.
  • Ensure that both the OS and SQL Server versions are still supported by Microsoft and receive security updates.

What you need for part 1

1. BxEngine Installation File

Steps to download:

  • Go to Home and find Downloads in the top right corner.
  • Download the file "BxEngine for BxLogistics/BxSales/BxStockCount" from the Releases section.

2. License Key for BxEngine

  • Found under Licenses in the partner portal.
  • Search for the customer, find their licenses, and click the license key button to copy it.

3. Admin Access on the Application Server

BxEngine is usually installed on the same server as the ERP application server but can be installed elsewhere, depending on the ERP system used.

ERP Specific Notes:

  • Visma Global: Needs access to SDK/API to Visma Global, so it is typically installed on the Visma Global application server.
  • Visma Business: Requires access to the EDI area for Visma Business, either on the same machine or via a UNC/network address. Access is also needed for VB installation catalogue if you are using VBS instead of EDI.

    • By using UNC path to EDI or VBS tracks, a service user must be added with access to the specific areas on the BxEngine service.
  • SAP B1: If BxEngine is installed on a different server than the SAP server, you need to install SQL Server Native Tools 20xx and SAP DI API SDK as well.
  • Visma.net: Only needs access to the BxEngine SQL database, integration setup is done with a user login/integration user in Visma.net, token generating. Can be installed wherever it is preferrable as long as there is an MS-SQL server available.
  • Uni Økonomi Desktop: Must be installed on the same server as the Uni import service (usually the Uni Økonomi server).

4. Admin access on SQL server

Not strictly necessary, but you must have permissions to:

  • Create a SQL database and SQL user.
  • Assign necessary permissions as described below.

5. Firewall/port openings

SQL database and User Setup

BxEngine requires its own SQL database for storing - amongst other things - configuration data, logs, and some operational data (e.g., count results).

Since BxEngine often pulls data from the ERP database, read access to the ERP database is also required.

Creating the BxEngine Database

  • Step 1: Name the database and click OK.



SQL Server User Setup

BxEngine Login - General
  • Use SQL Server authentication (not Windows Authentication).
  • Disable "Enforce password policy" to prevent unexpected password expiration.
  • Set the default database to the BxEngine database created earlier.

2. User Mapping - BxEngine Database Permissions
  • Assign db_owner role.
  • Default schema: dbo
If it is set up towards Visma.net you only need db_owner on the BxEngine database - you can then skip the next step and move straight to "Installation".

3. Read Access to the ERP Database

  • Assign db_datareader role.
  • Default schema: dbo (for Visma Business/NET/SAP/Uni) or company name (for Visma Global).
  • For Uni Micro ERP, also assign db_datawriter access

By default, the BxEngine database is named "BxEngine", but ASP providers may require a naming convention, e.g., CustomerName_BxEngine_Prod. The BxEngine database does not need to be on the same SQL Server as the ERP system.

Installation Process

Step 1: Run the Installer

  • Open the BxEngine.msi file and follow the instructions:
  • Click Next → Select installation directory → NextFinish.

Step 2: Start BxEngine Monitor

  • After the installation is complete, open BxEngine Monitor via the desktop shortcut.
  • Be patient - on some servers/PC's, it may take time to start.

Step 3: Initial Setup

When the BxEngine Monitor appears, a Setup box will appear, asking for:

  • License key: From the partner portal under Licenses.
  • SQL Server: Format: ServerName\Instance,Port if using a non-standard port.
  • Database name: BxEngine - Not the ERP database.
  • SQL User: bxengine - Created earlier
  • Password: From earlier setup.


Important Notes:

  • The bxengine user must have db_owner rights on the BxEngine database during installation and operation.
  • Do not enter the ERP database - only the BxEngine database
  • Use a secure, unique password for the database user.
  • Windows Authentification is NOT supported - you must use a SQL user.

Step 4: Database Initialization

  • Click Confirm.
  • If an error occurs, verify the username, password, and connectivity between the application server and the SQL server.

You will receive a question whether or not you are running the init script that created the necessary columns. On a brand new installation, you will always receive this question. When moved, the same question will appear, but for this you simply press No. But since this is a new installation, you will click Yes. Eventually you will receive a message that will inform you that the script is now running - click OK. And finally you will receive a message that  informs you that the license is validated - click OK on this one as well. If the OK button does not appear, please check if the firewall is opened up for these ports/addresses

bxloginstdel1bxeng8 bxloginstdel1bxeng9

Starting with version 2020.10, you no longer need to click Yes. You now only click Confirm in the setup box, and the rest will setup automatically. License validation is now the only OK box.

Starting the Service & Changing the Service User

  • Once the database is set up, BxEngine Monitor will display the status and start the Windows service.
  • If BxEngine needs access to network drives, restart the service and configure an alternative service user.


Next Steps: Configuring BxAdmin

Proceed to BxLogistics installation part 2 - BxAdmin


If you get a 404 error in BxAdmin, stop the service, restart it, and wait for about 30 seconds before logging in again.