Installing BxEngine multiple times on the same server

BxEngine can be installed more than once on the same server to support running different versions for different customers.

BxEngine: Installation of multiple services on the same server

For some suppliers it can be convenient to have more or all customers on one SQL and/or application server, and this is why we support installing multiple BxEngine services on the same server. In this guide, the starting point is that BxEngine already exists on a server, as it is necessary for BxEngine to have been installed normally the very first time. Watch BxEngine: Installation to see how this is done. It may be a good idea that the hosting/ERP supplier documents internally which client the original BxEngine service belongs to.

Make sure to keep an eye out during the process to avoid making errors with names on databases/services and so on.


Note! It can be a good idea to use the first BxEngine installation as sort of a "main installation", i.ex your own test/demo installation. This can then be updated to the latest version before you install services for new clients without affecting already existing clients. This way, new clients will always start up on the latest version. And so, use the "C:\Program Files (x86)\BxSoftware\BxEngine" folder as a template for new services. Review from point 3 for more information. Contact for access to a demo license if you haven't received this earlier.


Installation of service

  1. Create a new SQL database, name it as BxEngine_companycode_clientname, or however you may prefer. We recommend that you, as a bare minimum, keep the company code in the name, as it will make it easier to separate what belongs where when it comes to service and overview of licenses in our partner portal. 

  2. Create a new SQL user, and name it bxengine_companycode_clientname, or however you may prefer. Here as well we recommend keeping the company code in the name. The user must have db_owner and dbo in default schema, in addition to db_datareader on the ERP database. Default schema on ERP db must also contain dbo (towards Visma Global you add the company name of the database. If the database is called CustomerASGLOBALData it is usually CustomerAS that must be entered). 

  3. Make a copy of the C:\Program Files (x86)\BxSoftware\BxEngine folder and rename it. In this example we have named it BxEngineFirmakodeKundenavn

  4. In the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\BxSoftware\BxEngineFirmakodeKundenavn there is a subfolder named _Config, remove the underscore/change the name to Config (Note! Do not make this change in the template folder! Template uses C:\ProgramData\BxSoftware\BxEngine)

  5. Open C:\Program Files (x86)\BxSoftware\BxEngineFirmakodeKundenavn in cmd (type: cd C:\Program Files (x86)\BxSoftware\BxEngineFirmakodeKundenavn -  If it is placed on a different drive, remember to use cd /d D:\ first)

  6. Type command (use bxinstall --help for listing different commands):

    bxinstall -i -s "bxengine servicenavn" -n "bxengine displayname" -d "bxengine beskrivelse"

    In this case we are typing in the command:

    bxinstall -i -s "BxEnginefirmakodekundenavn" -n "BxEnginefirmakodekundenavn" -d "BxEngine service for firmakode kundenavn"

    Press Enter to run the command. Press Yes to the pop up on whether or not you want to run BxInstall.exe and press Enter when you are notified by BxInstall.

  7. You should now see a new service in Services.msc

  8. Start BxEngine.Monitor.exe fra C:\Program Files (x86)\BxSoftware\BxEngineFirmakodeKundenavn, it might take some time for the BX Setup box to show so be patient.

  9. Enter the license key, database server\instans, BxEngine database and user/password. Press Confirm. Press Yes to the question of setup script and OK on the next two dialogue boxes.

  10. Congratulations! You have now installed BxEngine service number XX on the same server! 

  11. Now, log into the correct BxAdmin to complete the rest of the setup normally.
  12. A final adjustment must be made after the installation is complete. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\BxSoftware\BxEngineFirmakodeKundenavn\Config, edit the BxEngine.ini file in Notepad. Under Service it will say LocalPort = "0", adjust this to "-1" and save, then restart service. This must be done to avoid any conflicts with already existing local BxEngine ports. Dette gjøres for å unngå konflikter med eksisterende lokal BxEngine port. 


Uninstalling the service

NOTE! You can not uninstall the BxEngine program in the normal way as this will lead to uninstalling the main service/program/template. We will eventually offer better routines on how to uninstall, but as of now, this is the method that must be followed.

Uninstalling an extra service requires that you deactivate the service, delete the customers installation catalogue, and delete registry entry for service so that it disappears from the service window.
To delete an entry from registry:

  1. Start Regedit.exe
  2. Scroll to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\

  3. Find the service named BxEngineFirmakodeKundenavn
  4. Right click → Delete

  5. Press Yes to the question on whether or not you wish to delete

  6. If the service has not yet disappeared from the service window, it might be necessary to restart the server/log out and back in for it to disappear from the list. A restart can be done at your own convenience.