Installing multiple BxEngine services on the same server

BxEngine can be installed multiple times on the same server to support running different versions for different customers.

BxEngine: Installing Multiple Services on the Same Server

For some providers, it may be desirable to have multiple or all customers on a single SQL and/or application server. We support installing multiple BxEngine services on the same server. In this guide, the starting point is that BxEngine already exists on a server, as it must first be installed normally. See BxEngine: Installation for instructions. It is recommended that the hosting/ERP provider internally documents which customer the original BxEngine service belongs to.

Note: Be cautious when performing this installation to avoid errors with database/service names, etc.

💡 Tip: Consider using the first BxEngine installation as a "main installation", e.g., for your own test/demo setup. This can be updated to the latest version before installing services for new customers without affecting existing ones. New customers will then always start with the latest version. Use the C:\Program Files (x86)\BxSoftware\BxEngine folder as a template for new services. See Step 3 below for details. Contact for access to a demo license if you haven't received one before.


1. Installation of service

Step 1: Create a New SQL Database

  • Name the database following this format:
    BxEngine_firmacode_customername (or your preferred naming convention).
  • As a minimum, include the firmacode in the name to distinguish between services and licenses in the partner portal.

Step 2: Create a New SQL User

  • Name the user similarly:
  • The user must have the following permissions:
    • db_owner and dbo in the default schema
    • db_datareader on the ERP database
    • The default schema on the ERP database must also contain dbo
    • (For Visma Global, the schema should be the company database name.
      • Example: If the database is CustomerASGLOBALData, the schema should be CustomerAS)

Step 3: Duplicate the BxEngine Folder:

  1. Make a copy of:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\BxSoftware\BxEngine
  2. Rename the new folder, e.g.,

Step 4: Configure the New Installation

  1. Inside the new folder, locate the  _Config folder.
  2. Rename it to Config
    (Important: Do not change this in the original template folder).

Step 5: Register the New Service

  1. Open Command Prompt (cmd) and navigate to the new folder:

    cd C:\Program Files (x86)\BxSoftware\BxEngineFirmacodeCustomername

    (If it's on another drive, use cd /d D:\ first.)

  2. Run the following command:

    bxinstall -i -s "BxEngineFirmacodeCustomername" -n "BxEngineFirmacodeCustomername" -d "BxEngine service for firmacode customername"

    (Replace firmacode and customername with the actual values.)

  3. Press Enter to execute.

  4. Click Yes when prompted to run BxInstall.exe.

  5. Press Enter when BxInstall confirms execution.

Step 6: Start and Configure the New Service

  1. Open Services.msc to verify the new service appears in the list.
  2. Run BxEngine.Monitor.exe from:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\BxSoftware\BxEngineFirmacodeCustomername
    (The setup box may take a moment to appear—be patient.)
  3. Enter the following details in the setup box:
    • License key
    • SQL Server\Instance
    • BxEngine Database
    • User/Password
  4. Click ConfirmYes (on the setup script prompt) → OK (on the next two dialogs).

🎉 Congrats! You’ve installed another BxEngine service on the same server!

Step 7: Final Adjustments

  1. Open BxEngine.ini in Notepad from:
  2. Locate:
    LocalPort = "0"
  3. Change it to:
    LocalPort = "-1"
  4. Save and restart the service to avoid port conflicts.

2. Uninstalling a BxEngine Service


Do not uninstall BxEngine using the standard method (this removes the main installation). We will introduce better uninstallation routines later, but for now, follow these steps!

Step 1: Disable and Delete the Service

  1. Stop and disable the service from Services.msc.
  2. Delete the service's installation folder, e.g.,
    C:\Program Files (x86)\BxSoftware\BxEngineFirmacodeCustomername

Step 2: Remove Registry Entry

  1. Open Registry Editor (regedit.exe)
  2. Navigate to:
  3. Find the service:
  4. Right click → Delete
  5. Click Yes when prompted.

Step 3: Restart the Server (If Necessary)

If the service still appears in Services.msc, log out and back in, or restart the service at a convenient time.

Your BxEngine service is now completely removed.